5th World Conference on CDG
The 5th World Conference on CDG is the largest, most complete and resourceful, international conference focused entirely on CDG. The content is delivered in a patient-friendly style that can be understood by non-specialist audiences. The ultimate goal is to help people to engage with clinicians and researchers more effectively and participate actively in their healthcare decisions.
Each two years, nearly 350-450 families and professionals from around the world gather at our World Conference on CDG to learn the newest advances dedicated to CDG. They also gather for support, strength, hope and friendship.
This is your chance to gain direct access to the people fighting everyday for children and adults like yours and perhaps, most importantly, it is your occasion to meet, exchange and reunite with families on a similar journey as you. There is incredible power and strength in connecting.
“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals."by Jean Vanier
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