World CDG Day is an annual event that provides international focus for patient groups and families living with CDG. It is an opportunity to raise awareness, influence change, promote timely disease diagnosis, and improve access to better Standards of Care and Management.
The Portuguese Association for CDG (APCDG), first launched World CDG Day in 2016 together with CDG CARE and worldwide CDG patient groups, advocates and professionals. Since that time, more than 300 events have taken place around the world, generating strong public and media interest.
The World CDG Day has also received support from governments worldwide, high-profile Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and supranational bodies.
World CDG Day has laid the foundation for sustained global disease awareness and every year as the Campaign takes shape, a new theme is promoted to engage audiences in interactive ways, aiming to reach more people than ever before.
The World CDG Day Theme is #StandUnited4CDG
This year’s new campaign theme #StandUnited4CDG is designed to convey the importance of unity and collaboration to support one another around our shared values and goals.
As World CDG Day celebrations approach, this toolkit has been developed to help you plan for and implement your own CDG awareness-raising campaigns. While these ideas and resources coincide with World CDG Day on May 16, they can also be used to raise CDG awareness throughout the year.
This toolkit includes ideas for events, guidance on online activities, and tips on how to work with the media.
Don’t forget to share your plans for World CDG Day with us and provide any feedback on how this toolkit can be improved for future editions. Together we can all make a difference.
Please use these resources as a guide and if you have any questions contact us at: https://worldcdg.org/contact.
This Year campaign Toolkit for World CDG Day
May 16 World CDG Day is just around the corner so we’ve created the World CDG Day toolkit. This toolkit provides all the information you need to prepare for awareness and media outreach activities as we build up to creating a month long calendar for raising CDG awareness through May. It outlines the overarching theme of this year’s campaign – #StandUnited4CDG – along with the supporting messages, up-to-date statistics, visuals, assets and relevant links.
Take a look at the free materials available to our community to support World CDG Awareness Day.
Think something is missing? Let us know at Contact us.